Week Ending 31 March 2024 | |
Properties Auctioned | 62 |
Sold Under Hammer | 30 |
Sold Prior To Auction | 12 |
Sold After Auction | 2 |
Passed In | 14 |
Withdrawn | 1 |
Adjusted Clearance Rate | 72 |
Address | Suburb | Price | Agent |
8 Tod Street | Glenelg North, SA 5045 | $1,545,000 |
Anthony Fahey & Samuel Parsons Ray White Henley Beach |
72 Historic Drive | Highbury, SA 5089 | $1,505,000 |
Laz Ouslinis & Desi Moutzouris Ous Property |
1 Leonore Avenue | Kensington Gardens, SA 5068 | $1,450,000 |
Andrew Welch & Tim Knowling Ray White Kensington |
68 Queen Street | Norwood, SA 5067 | $1,435,000 |
Dani Solm Harcourts Pilgrim |
4 Church Lane | Prospect, SA 5082 | $1,260,000 |
Gavin Apacible & Graeme Brown Boffo Real Estate |
Address | Suburb | Price | Agent |
901/1 George Street | Parkside, SA 5063 | $3,210,000 |
Shane Nicholls & Dawn Danton Savance Real Estate |
4 Oaklands Avenue | Royston Park, SA 5070 | $1,915,000 |
David Scalamera & Juan Gaviria Ray White Magill |
12 Woodland Court | Highbury, SA 5089 | $1,350,000 |
Craig Ricciuto LJ Hooker Property Specialists |
161 Sinclair Road | Sellicks Hill, SA 5174 | $1,200,000 |
Sam Borg & Jacob Branch Ray White Mount Barker |
9 Burnell Street | Linden Park SA 5065 | $1,105,000 |
Daniel Oliver & Millie Unger Harris Real Estate Kent Town |
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Note: the auction clearance rate is calculated from the number of residential properties auctioned during the period and the number that were sold before, at all immediately after the auction. Please also note that auction sales represent 10% of properties or sales in South Australia